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Is He Cheating? Use a Truth Spell to Find Out!

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Have you ever felt like someone wasn’t telling you the whole truth? It’s tough, especially if it’s someone close to you. Well, I’ve got something that might help. But be careful, because finding out the truth can sometimes hurt. This is the same spell I used when I found out my ex was cheating. So, yeah, it works…

Getting Started

The first thing you need for this truth spell is a blue candle. Blue because it stands for truth. Take the candle and carve the name of the person you’re thinking about right into the wax.

Making It Work

Next, you’re going to put some Neroli oil on the candle where you wrote the name. This oil is kind of like a magical way to get someone to open up and talk. Rub the oil on the candle, moving your hand up to help get the truth out.

Adding Some Extras

Now, it’s time for the herbs:

  • Marjoram: This is like saying, “I’m in charge,” and helps make sure you get the truth.
  • Valerian Root: This one’s for pulling out secrets.
  • Fennel Seeds: These help with talking and making things clear.
  • Linden Flower: This is for fairness and making sure justice is done.

Optional: Crystals

If you want to add a bit more oomph, you can put some crystals and nutmeg around the candle:

  • Fluorite: Helps with honesty.
  • Blue Kyanite: Good for cutting through the lies.
  • Nutmeg: Sheds light on things that are hidden.

Doing the Spell

Light the candle and think really hard about the person. If you have a photo of them, put it under the candle. That can help focus the spell. Then, say these words:

“Silence the lies, let the truth be spoken.
Reveal what’s hidden, let the truth be the token.”

Be Ready

Just a heads-up: be ready for what you might find out. This spell is powerful and can bring out things you weren’t expecting.

Wrapping It Up

This spell is a big deal, so don’t take it lightly. Use it when you really need to know the truth, and be ready for whatever comes out. It helped me see things clearly, and I hope it does the same for you.

I will also leave a video demonstration for you.

If you are interested to learn more about witchcraft practices, check out this article: 7 Must-Read Tips on Modern Witchcraft for Beginners!