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Full Moon, February 2024: 5 Essential Rituals for This Snow Moon

What is February’s full moon called?

The upcoming Snow Moon on February 24th, alongside a rare micromoon event, is more than just a beautiful sight in the sky. It’s packed with astrological meaning. This full moon, traditionally called the Snow Moon because of February’s heavy snow.

Astrologically, the Snow Moon is a time for reflection and growth. It symbolizes the closing of winter and the final push before spring, urging us to wrap up old projects and prepare for new beginnings. On February 25th, as the moon aligns with the Leo constellation and shines near the bright star Regulus, its position furthest from Earth will make it appear slightly smaller, hence the term ‘micromoon’. Despite its size, it will be nearly fully lit, offering a moment of 99 percent illumination. This celestial event invites us to embrace our personal desires and energies, connecting us more deeply to the cosmic rhythms.

Rituals and Practices

Full moons are powerful times for reflection, release, and setting new intentions. The Snow Moon on February 24th, with its unique micromoon aspect, offers a special opportunity to connect with lunar energies. Here are some rituals and practices to consider:

  • Meditation: Find a quiet space where you can sit comfortably and focus on your breath. Visualize the full moon’s light washing over you, cleansing and rejuvenating your spirit. Reflect on what you wish to release from your life and what new intentions you want to set.
  • Manifestation: Write down your desires or goals on a piece of paper. Be as specific as possible. Under the full moon’s light, read your intentions aloud, imagining them coming to fruition. You can then bury the paper in the earth as a symbol of planting seeds for your future.
  • Cleansing Ritual: Use sage, palo santo, or your preferred herb to smudge your home, clearing out negative energies. As you do this, envision the smoke carrying away anything that no longer serves you, creating space for new, positive energies.
  • Crystal Charging: Place your crystals outside or on a windowsill where they can soak up the moon’s energy. This is believed to cleanse and recharge the crystals, enhancing their healing properties.
  • Moon Bathing: Spend some time outside, basking in the moonlight. Allow yourself to feel connected to the moon and the universe, drawing in the moon’s energy for clarity, peace, and inspiration.

These rituals can help you harness the Snow Moon’s energy, guiding you toward inner peace and manifesting your deepest desires.

This full moon is more than just a natural spectacle; it’s a perfect time for self-reflection and personal growth. It gives us a chance to look back on what we’ve done and think about what we want to do next.

Seeing the full moon in the sky is a good reminder for us all to take a moment, think about our goals, and where we’re headed. It’s a time to clear out what we don’t need and make space for new things. So, take some time to watch the moon, feel its energy, and use it as a boost to focus on what’s important to you. It’s a natural moment to pause, reflect, and set your sights on what you want to achieve.

Want to understand more about how the moon affects witchcraft? Check out our article “Lunar Phases in Witchcraft Practices Explained” for a straightforward breakdown of each phase and its uses in rituals.